User Guide
3 Select the type of attribute to find and replace from the Find pop-up menu: text, font, color, URL, or Non-
4 Enter or select the specific element to find in the Find box.
5 Enter or select the specific element to replace in the Change To box.
6 Click OK to store Find and Replace settings.
7 Click Next to continue the batch process.
For information on completing the batch process, see “Batch processing” on page 334. For more information about
Find and Replace options, see “Finding and replacing” on page 330.
Changing filenames with a batch process
You can change the names of files being processed using the Rename option in the Batch Process dialog box.
To set naming options for batch-processed files:
1 Select Rename from the Batch Options list and click Add.
2 Specify Rename options at the bottom of the Batch Process dialog box:
Replace with lets you replace characters in each filename with a different characters that you specify, or you can
delete characters from each filename. For example, if you have files named Temp_123.jpg, Temp_124.jpg, and
Temp_125.jpg, you might replace “Temp_12” with “Birthday,” thus changing the filenames to Birthday3.jpg,
Birthday4.jpg, and Birthday5.jpg.
Replace blanks with lets you replace existing blanks in the filename with a character or characters you specify, or
you can delete all blanks from each filename. For example, files named Pic nic.jpg and Slap stick.jpg might be
changed to Picnic.jpg and Slapstick.jpg, or Pic-nic.jpg and Slap-stick.jpg.
Add Prefix lets you enter text to add to the beginning of the filename. For example, if you enter “night_”, then the
file Sunrise.gif is renamed night_Sunrise.gif when it is batch processed.
Add Suffix lets you enter text to add to the end of the filename before the file extension. For example, if you enter
“_day”, then the file Sunset.gif is renamed Sunset_day.gif when it is batch-processed.
Note: For each changed filename, you can do any combination of Replace, Replace blanks, Add Prefix, and Add Suffix.
For example, you could replace “Temp” with “Party,” remove all blanks, and add a prefix and a suffix, all at the same
3 Click Next to continue the batch process.
For information on completing the batch process, see “Batch processing” on page 334.
Performing commands with a batch process
You can perform JavaScript commands on files using the Commands option in the Batch Process dialog box.
To set command options for batch-processed files:
Click the Plus (+) button (Windows) or the triangle (Macintosh) beside the Commands option in the Batch
Options list to view the available commands.
2 Select a command and click Add to add it to the Include in Batch list.
Note: These commands cannot be edited.
3 Click Next to continue the batch process.