User Guide
Selecting a tool from a tool group
A small triangle in the lower right corner of a tool in the Tools panel indicates that it is part of a tool group. For
example, the Rectangle tool is part of the basic shape tool group, which also includes the Rounded Rectangle, Ellipse,
and Polygon basic tools, as well as all of the Auto Shape tools, which appear below the divider line.
To select an alternative tool from a tool group:
1 Click the tool icon and hold down the mouse button.
A pop-up menu appears with tool icons, tool names, and shortcut keys. The currently selected tool has a check mark
to the left of the tool name.
2 Drag the pointer to highlight the tool you want, and release the mouse button.
The tool appears in the Tools panel, and the tool options appear in the Property inspector.
Using the Property inspector
The Property inspector is a context-sensitive panel that displays current selection properties, current tool options,
or document properties. By default, the Property inspector is docked at the bottom of the workspace.
The Property inspector can be open at half height, displaying two rows of properties, or at full height, displaying four
rows. You can also fully collapse the Property inspector while leaving it in the workspace.
Note: Most procedures in Using Fireworks assume that the Property inspector is displayed at full height.
To undock the Property inspector:
❖ Drag the gripper at the upper left corner to another part of the workspace.
To dock the Property inspector at the bottom of the workspace (Windows only):
❖ Drag the side bar on the Property inspector to the bottom of the screen.
To expand a half-height Property inspector to full height, revealing additional options, do one of the following:
• Click the expander arrow in the lower right corner of the Property inspector.
• Click the icon in the upper right of the Property inspector and select Full Height from the Property inspector
Options menu.
Note: In Windows, the Options menu is available only when the Property inspector is docked.
To reduce the Property inspector to half height, do one of the following:
• Click the expander arrow in the lower right corner of the Property inspector.
• Select Half Height from the Property inspector Options menu.
Note: In Windows, the Options menu is available only when the Property inspector is docked.