User Guide
Setting the alternate (alt) text for a button symbol or instance
Alternate (alt) text appears on or near an image placeholder while an image is downloading from the web or in place
of an image if it fails to download. It also replaces graphics if the user has the browser set to refrain from displaying
images. Alt text can be a symbol- or instance-level button property. You can set alternate text for a button symbol or
instance in the Property inspector.
Applications that assist the visually impaired audibly read the alternate text for graphics on web pages in a browser.
For your alternate text, use concise, meaningful descriptions of graphical elements.
To set the alt text for a button symbol in the Button Editor:
1 Do one of the following to open the button in the Button Editor:
• Double-click a button instance in the workspace.
• In the Library panel, double-click the button preview or the symbol icon beside the button symbol.
2 In the Property inspector, enter the text that you wish to appear as alt text in a browser.
Note: Changing the alt text for a button symbol won’t change the alt text for existing button instances of that symbol that
already have unique alt text assigned to them. This also applies to changes made to a button symbol’s target and URL.
To set the alt text for a button instance in the workspace:
1 Select the button instance in the workspace.
2 Enter the description in the Alt Text box in the Property inspector.
Creating navigation bars
A navigation bar, or nav bar, is a group of buttons that provide links to different areas of a website. It generally
remains consistent throughout the site, providing a constant method of navigation, no matter where the user is
within the site. The nav bar looks the same from web page to web page, but in some cases, the links may be specific
to the function of each page.
In Fireworks, you make a nav bar by creating a button symbol in the Button Editor and then placing instances of that
symbol in the workspace.
To create a basic nav bar:
1 Create a button symbol. For more information, see “Creating button symbols” on page 220.
2 Drag an instance (copy) of the symbol from the Library panel to the workspace.
3 Do one of the following to make a copy of the button instance:
• Select the button instance and select Edit > Clone.
• Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Macintosh) the button instance.
4 Shift-drag a button to align it horizontally or vertically. For more precise control, use the arrow keys to move the
5 Repeat steps 3 and 4 to create additional button instances.
6 Select each instance and assign it unique text, a URL, and other properties using the Property inspector.