User Guide
Note: If stored as a SWF file in the Command Panels folder on your hard disk, commands are available as panels in the
Window menu. For more information, see “About scripting with Flash SWF files” on page 344.
Using the Adobe Extension Manager
An extension is a command script, command panel, library, filter, pattern, texture, or Auto Shape that can be added
to Fireworks to enhance its capabilities. Fireworks ships with the Adobe Extension Manager, which allows you to
easily install, manage, and delete extensions. Upon installation, Fireworks includes a collection of default extensions
in the Commands menu.
You can also use the Extension Manager to bundle your own extensions and send them to the Adobe Exchange for
Fireworks. Through the Exchange, you can share your extensions with other Fireworks users.
Third-party extensions are stored in subfolders (depending upon the type of extension) in the Configuration folder
in the Fireworks application folder on your hard disk.
Commands that you create and save using the History panel are stored in your user’s Commands folder. For infor-
mation on the location of this folder, see “About user configuration files” on page 351.
To open the Extension Manager from within Fireworks, do one of the following:
• Select Commands > Manage Extensions.
• Select Help > Manage Extensions.
For more information about using the Extension Manager, see Extension Manager Help.
To visit the Adobe Fireworks Exchange, do one of the following:
• From within Fireworks, select Help > Fireworks Exchange.
• From a web browser, go to the Fireworks Exchange at www.adobe.com/go/fireworks_exchange.
Scripting with the History panel
The History panel records a list of the steps you have performed while working in Fireworks. Each step is stored on
a separate line of the History panel, starting with the most recent. By default, the panel remembers 20 steps. However,
you can change this value at any time.
Creating commands
You can save groups of steps in the History panel as a command that you can reuse. You can execute saved commands
in any Fireworks document. They are not document-specific.
Saved commands are stored as JSF files in the Commands folder in your user-specific Fireworks configuration folder.
For information on the location of this folder, see “About user configuration files” on page 351.
To save steps as a command:
Select the steps to save as a command:
• Click a step, then Shift-click another to select a range of steps to save as a command.
• Control-click (Windows) or Command-click (Macintosh) to select noncontiguous steps.
2 Click the Save Steps as Command button at the bottom of the History panel.
3 Enter a name for the command and click OK.
The command appears on the Commands menu.