24-bit color 267
32-bit color 267
absolute URLs, entering 196
of Help 3
ACT file format, swatches 128
ACT file, exporting 133
activation of software 1
Add Filters pop-up menu 147
Add Noise filter 83
Add Preview Icons preference 347
frames 243
pages 156
styles 184
hue or saturation 77
tonal range using eyedropper75
Adobe Bridge 328
Adobe Bridge Home 6
Adobe Design Center 6
Adobe Fireworks
system requirements 1
Adobe Flex Builder 329
Adobe GoLive 288
Adobe Help 2
Adobe Video Workshop 4
Adobe XMP 328
Align panel 28
aligning objects 59
alpha channel of an object,
selecting 48
alpha, converting images to 81
alt (alternate) text 212
assigning to buttons or
instances 228
animation 238
adding frames 243
creating from multiple files 249
custom frame viewing 246
deleting frames 244
disabling layer sharing 245
editing 301
exporting 248
frames 240
inserting frames 243
looping 247
managing frames 242
movement 240
moving objects to another
frame 244
multiframe editing 246
naming frames 243
onion skinning 245
opacity 240
opening 248
optimizing 248
playing 246
previewing 246
properties 239
removing 241
reordering frames 244
rotation 240
scaling 240
setting frame delay 242
sharing layers across frames 244
transparency 247
turning frames on and off 243
viewing all frames 246
viewing current and adjacent
frames 246
viewing multiple frames 245
viewing next frame 246
edges 144
removing halos 275
smoothing text edges 118
target background color 274
application program package 352
arranging frames 244
Arrow tool 86
Auto Levels feature for adjusting
tonal range 72
Auto Shapes 86, 87, 88, 92
Auto Shapes Properties panel 28
auto-naming slices 213
changing default naming
convention 214
backing up during Find and
Replace 332
baseline shift 119
Batch Process dialog box 334
batch processing 334
backing up files 340
commands 339
export settings 337
filenames 339
Find and Replace 338
optimization settings 337
saving as scripts 340
saving files 336
scaling graphics 338
batch scripts 340
dragging and dropping 341
running 341
behaviors 210
Behaviors panel 209
Dreamweaver 206
Nav Bar Down 210
Nav Bar Over 210
Nav Bar Restore 210
Set Nav Bar Image 210
Set Pop-up Menu 210
Set Text of Status Bar 210
Simple Rollover 209
Swap Image 209
Behaviors panel 28, 209
beveled edges 149
Beveled Rectangle tool 86
bicubic interpolation scaling
method 346
bilinear interpolation scaling
method 346
bitmap graphics 14
bitmap masks 164, 165
creating 169
using an existing object as 167, 169
bitmap mode 12
applying with tools 25