User Guide
3 Enter a value for the frame delay.
4 Press Enter, or click outside the panel to close the pop-up window.
Showing and hiding frames for playback
You can show or hide frames for playback. If a frame is hidden, it is not displayed during playback and it is not
To show or hide a frame:
1 Do one of the following:
• Select Properties from the Frames panel Options menu.
• Double-click the frame delay column.
The Frame Properties pop-up window appears.
2 Deselect Include when Exporting.
A red X is displayed in place of the frame delay time.
3 Press Enter or click outside the Frame Properties pop-up window to close it.
Naming animation frames
As you set up an animation, Fireworks creates the appropriate number of frames and displays them in the Frames
panel. By default the frames are named Frame 1, Frame 2, and so on. When you move a frame in the panel, Fireworks
renames each one to reflect the new order.
It’s a good idea to name your frames for easy reference and to keep track of them. That way you always know which
frame contains which part of the animation. Moving a renamed frame has no effect on the name; it remains the same.
To change a frame’s name:
1 In the Frames panel, double-click the frame’s name.
2 In the pop-up text box, type a new name and press Enter.
Adding, moving, copying, and deleting frames
You can add, copy, delete, and change the order of frames in the Frames panel.
To add a new frame:
❖ Click the New/Duplicate Frame button at the bottom of the Frames panel.
To add frames to a specific place in the sequence:
Select Add Frames from the Frames panel Options menu.
2 Enter the number of frames to add.
3 Select where to insert the frames: before the current frame, after it, or at the beginning or end. Then click OK.
To make a copy of a frame:
❖ Drag an existing frame to the New/Duplicate Frame button at the bottom of the Frames panel.