User Guide
Flatten Each Fireworks Layer flattens all objects on each individual Fireworks layer, and each Fireworks layer
becomes a layer in Photoshop. When you choose this option, you lose the ability to edit the Fireworks objects in
Photoshop. You also lose features, such as blending modes, that are associated with the Fireworks objects.
3 In the Effects pop-up menu, choose one of the following:
Maintain Editability converts Fireworks Live Filters to their equivalent in Photoshop. If the effects do not exist in
Photoshop, they are discarded.
Render Effects flattens effects into their objects. When you choose this option, you preserve the appearance of the
effects, at expense of the ability to edit them in Photoshop.
4 In the Text pop-up menu, choose one of the following:
Maintain Editability converts text to an editable Photoshop layer. Text formatting that is not supported by
Photoshop is lost.
Render Text turns text into an image object. When you choose this option, you preserve the appearance of the text,
at expense of the ability to edit it.
About working with Illustrator
Fireworks provides support for importing native Illustrator (AI) CS2 and CS3 files, with options for retaining many
aspects of the imported files, including layers, patterns, and linked images. As a result, you can bring Illustrator
images into Fireworks for further editing and web optimization. You can also export Illustrator files from Fireworks
that are compatible with the Illustrator 8.0 software.
The following features are preserved when importing Illustrator files:
Bezier Points: The number and position of Bezier points will be preserved.
Colors: Colors will be preserved as closely as possible when importing AI content to Fireworks.
Text Attributes: The following font attributes will be preserved:
• Font
• Size
• Color
• Bold
• Italic
• Align (Left, Right, Center, Justify)
• Orientation (Horizontal, Vertical Left to Right, Vertical Right to Left)
• Letter Spacing
• Character Position (Normal, SuperScript, SubScript)
• Auto kerning
• Kerning pairs
Gradient Fills: Gradients will be imported as native Fireworks gradients. All of the ramp points of the gradient will
be preserved.