User Guide
Customizing the Quick Export pop-up menu
You can add additional options to the Quick Export pop-up menu if you know JavaScript and XML.
To add options to the Quick Export pop-up menu:
1 Create your own JSF files and drop them into the Quick Export Menu folder on your hard disk.
Note: The exact location of this folder varies depending on your operating system. The Quick Export Menu folder is
located in the English subfolder of the Fireworks application folder on Windows systems. On Macintosh systems, this
folder is located in the Contents/Resources/English.lproj folder in the Fireworks application package. For more infor-
mation about application packages, see “Viewing package contents (Macintosh only)” on page 352.
2 Edit the Quick Export Menu.xml file by including references to the new JSF files.
The next time you start Fireworks, the new options you created are added to the Quick Export pop-up menu. For
more information, see Extending Fireworks.
Sending a Fireworks document as an e-mail
You can easily send documents as e-mail attachments from within Fireworks. You can send a Fireworks PNG, a
compressed JPEG, or a document using other file formats and optimization settings available in the Optimize panel.
To send a document as an e-mail attachment using your default e-mail client:
1 Select File > Send to E-mail.
2 Select one of the following options:
Fireworks PNG attaches the current PNG document to a new e-mail message.
JPG Compressed attaches the current document to a new e-mail message using the JPEG - Better Quality optimi-
zation setting.
Use Export Settings attaches the current document to an e-mail message using the settings defined in the Optimize
Note: Mozilla, Netscape 6, and Nisus Emailer are not supported on the Macintosh.
Using the File Management button
The File Management button, located at the top of the Document window next to the Quick Export button,
offers easy access to file-transport commands. You can use the File Management button if your document lives in a
Dreamweaver site folder and if the site has access to a remote server. Fireworks recognizes your folder as a site if you
have used the Manage Site dialog box in Dreamweaver to define the target folder, or a folder that contains the target
folder, as the local root folder for a site.
The File Management button displays the following menu commands:
Get copies the remote version of the file to the local site, overwriting the local file with the remote copy.