User Guide
To export Fireworks HTML to HomeSite:
❖ Export your document to HTML in Fireworks, and then open the exported file in HomeSite by choosing File >
Open. For more information, see Fireworks Help.
Copying Fireworks HTML to the Clipboard for use in HomeSite
A fast way to place Fireworks-generated HTML in HomeSite is to copy it to the Clipboard from Fireworks, and then
paste it directly into a HomeSite document. When you copy Fireworks HTML to the Clipboard, the required images
are exported to a location you specify.
Note: Before copying to the Clipboard, make sure to set the HTML type to Generic in the HTML Setup dialog box. For
more information, see Fireworks Help.
To copy Fireworks HTML for use in HomeSite:
❖ Copy HTML to the Clipboard in Fireworks, and then paste it into an new HomeSite document. For more infor-
mation, see Fireworks Help.
Copying code from an exported Fireworks file and pasting it into HomeSite
You can open an exported Fireworks HTML file in HomeSite and then manually copy and paste only the desired
sections into another HomeSite document.
Note: Before exporting, make sure to set the HTML type to Generic in the HTML Setup dialog box. For more infor-
mation, see Fireworks Help.
To copy code from an exported Fireworks file and paste it into HomeSite:
❖ Export a Fireworks HTML file, and then copy and paste the desired code into an existing HomeSite document.
For more information, see Fireworks Help.
Updating Fireworks HTML exported to HomeSite
The Update HTML command allows you to make changes to a Fireworks HTML document you’ve previously
exported to HomeSite.
Note: Before updating HTML, make sure to set the HTML type to Generic in the HTML Setup dialog box. For more
information, see Fireworks Help.
To update Fireworks HTML exported to HomeSite:
❖ Use the Update HTML command in Fireworks. For more information, see Fireworks Help.
Editing Fireworks images in HomeSite
You can use launch-and-edit integration to edit images in a HomeSite document. HomeSite automatically starts
Fireworks, letting you make the desired edits to the image. When you exit Fireworks, the updates you made are
automatically applied to the placed image in HomeSite. Together, the two applications provide a streamlined
workflow for editing web graphics in HTML pages.
To open and edit Fireworks images placed in HomeSite:
In HomeSite, save your document.
2 Do one of the following:
• Right-click the image file on one of the Files tabs in the Resources window.