User Guide
For information on opening an existing pop-up menu in the Pop-up Menu Editor, see “Editing pop-up menus” on
page 236.
2 Select a preset size from the Size pop-up menu or enter a value in the Size text box.
Note: When cell width and height are set to Automatic in the Advanced tab of the Pop-up Menu Editor, text size deter-
mines the size of graphics associated with the menu item.
3 Select a system font group from the Font pop-up menu or enter the name of a custom font.
Note: Be careful when selecting a font. If users who will view your web page don’t have the font you select installed on
their system, a replacement font will be displayed in their web browser.
4 Optionally, click a text style button to apply a bold or italic style.
5 Click a justification button to align text to the left or right or center it.
6 Select a text color from the Text Color box.
To set the appearance of the menu cells:
1 With the desired pop-up menu open in the Pop-up Menu Editor, click the Appearance tab.
For information on opening an existing pop-up menu in the Pop-up Menu Editor, see “Editing pop-up menus” on
page 236.
2 Select the text and cell colors for each state.
3 If Image is selected as the cell type, select a graphical style for each state.
4 Do one of the following:
• Click Next to move to the Advanced tab or select another tab to continue building the pop-up menu.
• Click Done to close the Pop-up Menu Editor.
In the workspace, the hotspot or slice on which you built the pop-up menu displays a blue behavior line attached to
an outline of the top level of the pop-up menu.
Note: To view a pop-up menu, press F12 to preview it in a browser. The previews in the Fireworks workspace do not
display pop-up menus.
Adding pop-up menu styles
You can add custom cell styles to the Pop-up Menu Editor. Custom cell styles are available along with the preset
choices on the Appearance tab when you select the Image option as the cell type, which sets pop-up menus to use
graphical backgrounds in their cells.
To add a custom cell style to the Pop-up Menu Editor:
Apply any combination of stroke, fill, texture, and Live Filters to an object, and save it as a style using the Styles
panel. For more information, see “Creating and deleting styles” on page 184.
2 Select the new style in the Styles panel, and then select Export Style from the Styles panel Options menu.
3 Navigate to the Nav Menu folder on your hard disk, rename the style file if you wish, and click Save.
Note: The exact location of the Nav Menu folder varies depending on your operating system. For more information,
see “Working with configuration files” on page 350.
When you return to the Appearance tab of the Pop-up Menu Editor and select the Image Cell background option,
the new style is available along with the preset styles for the Up and Over states of the pop-up menu cells.