Bit Bit
Stop Type DF Information
1 DF 1.1 Composite fault
2 DF 1.2 K T +/-15V supply rail
3 DF 1.3 K R Motor HV under-voltage trip point reached
4 DF 1.4 K R Motor HV over-voltage trip point reached
5DF 1.5
6 DF 1.6 CD R Vio over-voltage trip point reached
7 DF 1.7 K T Encoder / Auxiliary 5V under voltage trip
8 DF 1.8 K SLEEP Impending power loss, V I/O under voltage
(24V – logic supply)
9 DF 2.1 Reserved
10 DF 2.2 Reserved
11 DF 2.3 CD R Motor over temperature
12 DF 2.4 CD R Ambient over temperature
13 DF 2.5 CD R Drive over temperature
14 DF 2.6 K T Incompatible firmware version
15 DF 2.7 K T Unrecognised power stage
16 DF 2.8 K T Controller diagnostic failure
17 DF 3.1 K R Output stage over current
18 DF 3.2 CD R Output driver over current
19 DF 3.3 C R Tracking limit exceeded : Stall condition
20 DF 3.4 Reserved
21 DF 3.5 CD R Drive disabled – check enable input and state
of ES variable
22-24 DF 3.6/8 Reserved
25 DF 4.1 K T Watchdog 1
26-31 DF 4.4/7 Reserved
32 DF 4.8 CAN I/O errors
C : Performs controlled stop.
CD : Controlled stop then de-energise
K : Performs motion kill – quick stop. Possible instant de-energise depending on fault source.
R : Recoverable without power cycle
SLEEP : Drive shuts down completely – no comms, requires power-cycle to recover
T : Terminal (requires power cycle or repair before drive will energise / operate once again)
Table 4-6. Drive Fault Bit Description
See Maintenance & Troubleshooting for a more detailed explanation of Drive Faults.