Installation Procedure
This procedure takes you quickly through the steps necessary to install Easi-V on your PC.
The entire installation process takes less than 10 minutes. Before starting the installation,
terminate all applications currently running.
A step by step installation of Easi-V software follows:
1. Place the Easi-V CD in your PC’s CDROM drive.
2. Once loaded the CD should auto-start. If this does not happen, open the CD’s
folder and double-click the VIX.exe icon.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions to load Easi-V.
4. The screen will display the Easi-V program banner and will prepare an installation
setup program.
5. The banner screen is automatically replaced by a Welcome dialogue box advising
you of the need to exit any programs currently running. To abandon setup in order to
exit other programs, select CANCEL. This in turn displays an Exit Setup dialogue box
giving you the options of Exit Setup, which returns you to Windows™ or Resume
which takes you back to the Welcome box.
6. Selecting NEXT> displays a ‘Choose Destination Location’ dialogue/selection box
that provides the option of installing EASI-V in the directory of your choice. The
default directory is c:\program files\parker\easi-v in the UK, but the exact path name
is country dependent, other buttons are described within the dialogue box, see Figure
Figure 5-1. Choosing Where to Install Easi-V