6. Once you have selected a destination for Easi-V or have decided to use the
default directory, select NEXT to begin file transfer.
7. Once Easi-V has been loaded, the screen will display a message dialogue box,
stating ‘Setup is complete. You may run the installed program by double-clicking on
the program icon.’ When you click the OK button, the window shown in Figure 5-2 will
appear. Note: Easi-V may also be run from the Start menu.
Figure 5-2. Easi-V Application Window
Uninstalling Easi-V
To uninstall Easi-V software, use Windows™ uninstall software facilities available within the
Control Panel. All components are removed.
Software Operation
Once installed, Easi-V can be started from the start menu or by double clicking its application
icon. At startup Easi-V displays the product selection screen shown in Figure 5-3. Select
the micro-stepping drive, either with or without CANopen.