174 User’s Manual for InterForm400
Change Split Definition SPL310D
Split definition name . : SHIPPING_
Description . . . . . . : Extract invoices only
Seqnbr Split detail description
1,0 ______________________________
AND/OR Print line Position Oper Compare value
___ ___ - ___ ____ ________________________________
____ ___ ___ - ___ ____ ________________________________
____ ___ ___ - ___ ____ ________________________________
____ ___ ___ - ___ ____ ________________________________
____ ___ ___ - ___ ____ ________________________________
____ ___ ___ - ___ ____ ________________________________
F3=Exit F11=Delete F12=Cancel
Split detail
description: Description of the pages selected by this detail line.
AND/OR: Relate this statement to the previous statement.
Print Line: The print line in the spool entry to search.
Position: The column interval to search.
Oper. The operator relating to the compare value.
The operators used are standard operators known from e.g.
EQ Equal to compare value
NE Not equal to compare value
LT Less than compare value
LE Less than or equal to compare value
GT Greater than compare value
GE Greater than or equal to compare value
Compare Value: The character string or numeric value which the operator should
compare with.