Defining AVC-Based Conference Profiles
Polycom®, Inc. 69
Site Names Definition
You can control the display of the site names by defining the font, size, color, background color and
transparency and position within the video window in the Profile - Site Name dialog box.
● Site Names display is Off by default in a new profile.
● Site Names can be enabled to function in one of two modes:
Auto – Site names are displayed for 10 seconds whenever the conference layout changes.
On – Site names are displayed for the duration of the conference.
● During the display of the site names, the video frame rate is slightly reduced
● Site Names display characteristics (position, size, color) can by modified during an ongoing
conference using the Conference Properties - Site Names dialog box. Changes are immediately
visible to all participants.
● Site Names display text and background color is dependent on the Skin selected for the conference:
Plain Skins - Site Names text is displayed without a background.
Picture Skins - Site Names text is displayed with a background.
Shorten the Site Name Display
The SIP_OMIT_DOMAIN_FROM_PARTY_NAME System Flag can be used to remove Domain Names
from SIP dial-in participants’ Site Names. This prevents long domain names being appended to SIP
participant names, as frequently happens when the Collaboration Server is used with a DMA.
The flag must be manually added to the System Configuration and its value modified as follows:
● YES (Default) - The domain name is omitted from SIP dial-in participant names.
● NO - The domain name remains as part of SIP dial-in participant names.
For more information, see Modifying System Flags.