RMX Manager Application
Polycom®, Inc. 469
To use the browser:
1 In the browser’s command line, enter:
http://<MCU Control Unit IP Address>/RMXManager.html
https://<MCU Control Unit IP Address>/RMXManager.html
2 Press Enter.
To use the Windows Start menu:
1 Click Start > Programs.
a If the RMX Manager is displayed in the recently used programs list, click RMX Manager in the list
to start the application.
b Click All Programs > Polycom > RMX Manager.
The MCUs screen is displayed, listing the MCUs currently defined in the RMX Manager.
This screen enables you to add additional MCUs or connect to any of the MCUs listed. For details on
adding MCUs, see Adding MCUs to the MCUs List.
For each listed MCU, the system displays the following information:
MCU Display Name (as defined in the Add MCU dialog box).
IP Address of the MCU’s control unit