
Appendix H - Integration Into Microsoft Environments
Polycom®, Inc. 776
Configuring the Collaboration Server for Federated
(ICE) Dialing
The Collaboration Server Default IP Network Service must be configured to work with the Office
Communication Server/Lync Server as the SIP Server and the Collaboration Server user defined in the
Active Directory must also be defined in the Collaboration Server ICE environment parameters to enable
remote dialing in a federated (ICE) environment, .
To configure the Collaboration Server for ICE Dialing:
1 In the RealPresence Collaboration Server Web browser, in the RealPresence Collaboration Server
RMX Management pane, expand the Rarely Used list and click IP Network Services.
2 In the IP Network Services pane, double-click the Default IP Service entry.
The Default IP Service - Networking IP dialog box opens.
3 Click the SIP Servers tab.
4 Make sure that the SIP Server is set to Specify.
5 Make sure that the SIP Server Type is set to Microsoft.
6 Make sure that the IP address of the Office Communications Server 2007 or Lync Server 2010 is
specified and the Server Domain Name is the same as defined in the OCS/Lync Server and in the
Management Network for the DNS.
The procedure described here assumes that the Collaboration Server is configured to work in
Microsoft environment as described in Configuring the Collaboration Server for Microsoft