Entry Queues, Ad Hoc Conferences and SIP Factories
Polycom®, Inc. 199
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The new Entry Queue is added to the Entry Queues list.
Entry Queue Mode Select the mode for the Entry Queue
Standard Lobby (default) - When selected, the Entry Queue is used as a
routing lobby to access conferences. Participants connect to a single-dial lobby
and are routed to their destination conference according to the Conference ID
they enter.
Ad Hoc - Select this option to enable the Ad Hoc option for this Entry Queue. In
this mode, when the participant enters the target conference ID the system
checks whether a conference with that ID is already running on the MCU. If not,
the system automatically creates a new ongoing conference with that ID.
IVR Only Service Provider - When selected, designates this Entry Queue as a
special Entry Queue that provides IVR Services to SIP calls on behalf of the
RealPresence DMA system. The IVR Only Service Provider Entry Queue does
not route the SIP calls to a target conference. Instead the RealPresence DMA
system handles the call. For more details, see IVR Provider Entry Queue
(Shared Number Dialing).
External IVR Control - IVR Services can be controlled externally from an
application server (such as the DMA) supporting the MCCF-IVR (Media Control
Channel Framework-Interactive Voice Response) package.
When selected, the connection process of the participant to the conference via
the Virtual Entry Queue is controlled and managed by an external IVR service of
an application server (for example, DMA).
Entry Queue IVR Service The default Entry Queue IVR Service is selected. If required, select an alternate
Entry Queue IVR Service, which includes the required voice prompts, to guide
participants during their connection to the Entry Queue.
Entry Queue Definitions Parameters (Continued)
Option Description