Sharing Content During Conferences
Polycom®, Inc. 110
● Content can be sent to Legacy endpoints in gateway calls, depending on content configuration on
Master/Slave MCUs (for example, if the gateway conference is using H.263 content media protocol,
and the conference MCU is using H.264 content media protocol).
● Content becomes unavailable to Legacy endpoints moved to an Operator conference.
● A Polycom FX endpoint dialing in to a Collaboration Server receives content using People+Content.
However, an FX endpoint dialed out from a Collaboration Server with receives content via the people
video layout using People+Content only if Send Content to Legacy Endpoints is enabled in the
Conference Profile.
Content Display on Legacy Endpoints
When content is sent to content legacy endpoints, their video layout automatically changes to the content
layout defined by the system flag LEGACY_EP_CONTENT_DEFAULT_LAYOUT, and the content is shown
in the larger/top-left cell. The video layouts of the other conference participants do not change.
The switch to the content layout occurs in Auto Layout, Presentation Mode, Lecture Mode, and when a
layout is selected for the conference.
In Lecture Mode, when content is sent to legacy endpoints, switching to the content layout, results in the
content shown in the lecturer/speaker window, while the lecturer is shown in the second window. If the layout
contains more than two windows, all other windows are empty. The non-lecturer legacy content participants
see the lecturer in full screen.
The LEGACY_EP_CONTENT_DEFAULT_LAYOUT flag’s default is a layout of 1+4, where the content is
shown in the larger window, and the conference participants are shown in the smaller windows. This default
can be changed (see Changing the Default Layout for Content Display on Legacy Endpoints).
When content is stopped, the layout of the legacy participants terminates as well.
Legacy participants can change their layout using Click&View. In such a case, the content is forced to the
larger/top-left cell.
The Collaboration Server user can also change the layout for the legacy content endpoints participants
(selecting personal layout).
When forcing a video participant to the Content window (instead of Content), the Content display can be
restored only by selecting any other video layout.
Sending Content to Legacy Endpoints in Telepresence Mode
To ignore personal layouts during Telepresence conferences (while working with MLA), set the value of the
If the layout for displaying content in Legacy endpoints include multiples cells, MCU may populate
Telepresence room streams sources in remote cells.