IVR Services
Polycom®, Inc. 425
The source images for the high resolution slides must be in *.bmp or *.jpg format.
If the uploaded slides are not of the exact SD or HD resolution, an error message is displayed and
the slides are automatically cropped or enlarged to the right size.
If a slide that is selected in an IVR Service is deleted, a warning is displayed listing the IVR
Services in which it is selected. If deleted, it will be replaced with a default Collaboration Server
The generated slides are not deleted if the system is downgraded to a lower software version.
The first custom source file uploaded, whatever its format, is used to generate both high and low
resolution custom slides. High resolution source files uploaded after the first upload will be used
to generate and replace high resolution custom slides. Likewise, low resolution source files
uploaded after the first upload will be used to generate and replace low resolution custom slides.
If there are two custom source files in the folder, one high resolution, one low resolution, and a
new high resolution custom source file is uploaded, new high resolution custom slides are
created. The existing low resolution custom slides are not deleted.
If there are two custom source files in the folder, one high resolution, one low resolution, and a
new low resolution custom source file is uploaded, new low resolution custom slides are created.
The existing high resolution custom slides are not deleted.
24 Define the following parameters
25 If the video slide file was not uploaded to the MCU prior to the IVR Service definition, click the:
Add Slide - Low Resolution button to upload a Low Resolution Slide.
Add Slide - High Resolution button to upload a High Resolution Slide.
The Install File dialog box opens. The uploading process is similar to the uploading of audio files.
For more information, see To upload an audio file for an IVR message, click Add Message File..
New Conference IVR Service Properties - Video Services Parameters
Services Description
Select the Low Resolution and High Resolution video slides to be displayed when
participants connect to the conference.
To view any slide, click the Preview Slide ( ) button.
• When using one of the default Polycom slides, the slide will be displayed in the resolution
defined in the profile, i.e. CIF, SD, HD 720p
• Customized H.261 slides are not supported.
When Collaboration Server is configured to IPv6, the IVR slide is displayed without taking
into account the MTU Size.
See Inviting Participants using DTMF .
Note: The Invite Participant feature is not available in SVC conferences and for SVC
participants in mixed CP and SVC conferences.
• The video slide must be in a .jpg or .bmp file format. For more information, see Creating a
Welcome Video Slide.
• Customized H.261 slides are not supported.