Setting Conferences for Telepresence Mode (AVC CP)
Polycom®, Inc. 153
● In the Number of cascaded links (for ITP) drop-down menu, select the maximum number of
Multiple Cascade Links required according to the number of Room System endpoints in the cascaded
This field enables the administrator to select the maximum number of Multiple Cascade Links
required according to the number of Room System endpoints in the cascaded conference.
For example if an RPX 4xx is included, the number of links required is 4.
The RMX automatically adds a number suffix to the name of the Link Participant, for example if the
Participant Link Name is CascadeLink and the Number of cascaded links (for ITP) field is set to 4, the
following Multiple Cascade Links are created:
● CascadeLink-1
● CascadeLink-2
● CascadeLink-3
● CascadeLink-4
Participant Link in the Dial In RMX
The call from Participant Link defined in the Dial-out RMX is identified by the Dial-in RMX as having been
initiated by a Participant Link.
Suffixes are appended the Multiple Cascade Links according to the Number of cascaded links (for ITP)
field depending on whether the Dial -In Participant Link is defined or un-defined:
Participant Link is un-defined
The Multiple Cascade Link names are automatically assigned by the RMX.
For example on a RMX 1500 the names of the links are: