Sharing Content During Conferences
Polycom®, Inc. 106
● The Send Content to Legacy Endpoints option is set, and cannot be modified.
● Additional resources are allocated to the conference (in addition to resources for the conference
participants) for content processing:
Resources are allocated only upon content sharing beginning, but once allocated, they remain
unchanged until conference ends.
If the conference configuration (line rate and content settings) yields HD720p30 as the highest
content resolution, 1.5 HD video resources are allocated to the conference, whereas a highest
resolution of HD1080p15, increases the allocated video resources to 2 HD.
● An additional content stream can be sent to H.263 endpoints, in which case a separate resource is
allocated. H.263 supported resolutions are CIF, 4CIF, XGA.
● Content can be sent to cascaded links, in which case an additional video resource is allocated. The
links in both MCUs must use the same content parameters (meaning content rate, resolution, and
frame rate).
● When resources are insufficient, Multiple Content Resolutions mode is disabled, and content sharing
reverts to Content Video Switching mode.
If H.264 Cascade was selected for the conference, the conference uses H.264 Cascade and
SVC Optimized as the content protocol.
If H.264 Cascade was not selected for the conference, H.264 HD protocol is used.
● H.264 endpoints with no HD or H.263 capabilities, view content over the video layout (see Sending
Content to Legacy Endpoints (CP Only)).
● TIP endpoints cannot share content, only view it over the people video layout.
● When AS SIP is enabled for the conference, Multiple Resolutions is selected and cannot be
modified, H.264 is enabled, and both H.263 and H.264 Cascade are disabled. Resources are
allocated on conference beginning. All this enables AS SIP performance in high-traffic environments.
Content Settings
The Content channel can transmit in one of the following modes:
● Graphics – For standard graphics. This is the default mode in AVC conferences and the only
supported mode for SVC enabled conferences.
● Hi-res Graphics (AVC Only) – Requiring a higher bit rate to increase display quality or highly detailed
● Live Video (AVC Only) – Highest bit rate, for video clips or live video display.
● Customized Content Rate (AVC Only) - Allowing manual definition of the Conference Content Rate.
Content sharing consumes a quota of the video rate, depending on the content required quality; the better
the content required quality (such as in Live Video) the less bit rate remains for the video.
For each of the settings, the MCU allocates an approximate percentage (determined by the table in Content
Sharing Reference Tables) of the conference video capability towards content sharing: for Graphics - 33%,
for Hi-res Graphics - 50%, and for Live Video - 66%. However, in actuality this percentage might be lower,
since the endpoint capabilities are also taken into account when making this calculation.
Customized Content Rate in AVC CP Conferences
Customized Content Rate functionality may be implemented (see Selecting a Customized Content Rate in
AVC CP Conferences) when the content rate automatically calculated by the MCU is unsuitable.