RMX Manager Application
Polycom®, Inc. 478
2 Define the following parameters:
MCU Properties
Field Description
MCU Name Enter the name of the MCU on the network.
MCU IP Enter the IP address of the MCU’s Control Unit. The IP address must be identical to the
one configured in the MCU during first entry Configuration. For more details, see the
Polycom® RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s / Virtual Edition Getting Started
Guide, "To obtain the IP address of the Virtual Machine:” on page 2-21.
Port Enter the number of the port used for communication and data transactions between
the Collaboration Server unit and the RMX Manager.
For standard connection, enter 80.
For a Secured connection (using TLS or SSL), enter 443.
Enter the user name with which you will login to the MCU. A User with this name must
be defined in the Collaboration Server Users list. The system is shipped with a default
User whose name is POLYCOM.
Enter the password as defined for the user name with which you will login to the MCU.
The system is shipped with a default User whose password is POLYCOM.
Secure Mode Optional. Select this check box to connect to the Collaboration Server with SSL and
work in Secure Mode.
Remember Login This check box is automatically selected, and it enables the usage of the user name
and password entered in this dialog box when connecting to the Collaboration Server.
If this check box is cleared, the user is prompted for the user name and password when
connecting to this Collaboration Server unit.
Select this check box to automatically reconnect to the Collaboration Server if the
connection between the RMX Manager and the MCU is broken.