Recording Conferences
Polycom®, Inc. 339
3 Repeat step
and step
for each VRR to create additional VRRs.
For more information see the RSS 4000 User Guide.
Configuring the Collaboration Server to Enable
To make recording possible the following components you must be configured on the Collaboration Server:
● Recording Link – defines the connection between the conference and the recording system.
● Recording-enabled Conference IVR Service – recording DTMF codes and messages must be set in
the Conference IVR Service to enable “recording-related” voice messages to be played and to allow
the conference chairperson to control the recording process using DTMF codes.
● Recording-enabled Profile – recording must be enabled in the Conference Profile assigned to the
recorded conference.
If Multiple Recording Links are being defined for Virtual Recording Rooms (VRRs), created and saved on
the Polycom® RSS™ 4000 Version 8.5, the MAXIMUM_RECORDING_LINKS System Flag in system.cfg
can be modified to determine the number of Recording Links available for selection.
● Range: 20 - 100
● Default: 20
The flag value can be modified by selecting the System Configuration option from the Setup menu. For more
information, see Modifying System Flags.
Defining the Recording Link
The Recording Link is defined once and can be updated when the H.323 alias or the IP address (of the
recording system) is changed. Only one Recording Link can be defined in the Collaboration Server. Its type
must be H.323.
To define a Recording Link:
1 In the RMX Management pane, click Recording Links ().
2 In the Recording Links list, click the New Recording Link ( ) button.
The New Recording Link dialog box is displayed.
In Multiple Networks Configuration, Recording Links use the default Network Service to connect to
conferences, therefore the recording system must be defined on the default IP Network Service to
enable the recording.