IVR Services
Polycom®, Inc. 438
Recording an Audio Message
To record audio messages, use any sound recording utility available in your computer or record them
professionally in a recording studio. Make sure that recorded message can be saved as a Wave file (*.wav
format) and that the recorded format settings are as defined in steps 4 and 5 on the following procedure.
The files are converted into the Collaboration Server internal format during the upload process.
This section describes the use of the Sound Recorder utility delivered with Windows 95/98/2000/XP.
To define the format settings for audio messages:
1 On your PC, click Start > Programs > Accessories > Entertainment > Sound Recorder.
The Sound–Sound Recorder dialog box opens.
2 To define the recording format, click File > Properties.
The Properties for Sound dialog box opens.
• The format settings for audio messages need to be set only once. The settings will then be
applied to any new audio messages recorded.
• The utility or facility used to record audio messages must be capable of producing audio files with
the formats and attributes as shown in the following procedure, namely, PCM, 16.000kHz, 16Bit,
Sound Recorder is one of the utilities that can be used.