Sharing Content During Conferences
Polycom®, Inc. 102
● Due to UC-APL requirement, BFCP over TCP is not supported in Ultra Secure Mode (Collaboration
Server 1500/1800/2000/4000).
Content Sharing via Polycom CSS Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Clients
From version 8.1, Polycom CSS (Content Sharing Suite) plug-in for Lync clients allows Lync clients to
receive and send content via SIP BFCP, without having to use the people video layout.
The CSS plug-in invokes a separate call for content with or without video. This call may be invoked per a
Lync client.
BFCP support in dial-out Connections
For SIP dial-out clients supporting both TCP and UDP, the preferred protocol is BFCP/UDP. However, this
preference can be modified, by adding the SIP_BFCP_DIAL_OUT_MODE system flag and modifying its
value to TCP (see Manually Adding and Deleting System Flags).
The Collaboration Server’s content sharing, as determined by the system flags settings and SIP client
capabilities, is summarized in the following table:
BFCP support in dial-in Connections
● The MCU shares content with dial-in SIP clients according to their preferred BFCP protocol.
● SIP clients connected as audio-only cannot share content.
Content Sharing Using People+Content Protocol
People+Content utilizes a different content control protocol, and is Polycom’s proprietary protocol used prior
to H.239.
This protocol is supported in CP conferences, and is applicable for H.323 endpoints.
Guidelines for Content Sharing Using People+Content Protocol
● If an endpoint supports both H.239 and People+Content protocols, H.239 is selected as the preferred
communication protocol.
● H.263 and H.263 and H.264 Auto-selection are the only supported content media protocols usage
modes (see MCU Usage Modes of Content Protocols).
● People+Content is enabled by default. It can be disabled for all conferences and endpoints by
manually adding the ENABLE_EPC System Flag, and setting its value to NO (default value is YES).
Flag Value
SIP Client: BFCP Support
AUTO (Default) BFCP/UDP selected as
content sharing protocol
BFCP/TCP selected as
content sharing protocol
BFCP/UDP selected as
content sharing protocol
UDP Cannot share content
TCP Cannot share content BFCP/TCP selected as content sharing protocol