Appendix A - Disconnection Causes
Polycom®, Inc. 632
SIP client error 414 The endpoint sent a SIP Client Error 414 (Request-URI Too Long)
The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI
is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
SIP client error 420 The endpoint sent a SIP Client Error 420 (Bad Extension) response.
The server did not understand the protocol extension specified in a
Require header field.
SIP client error 481 The endpoint sent a SIP Client Error 481 (Call/Transaction Does Not
Exist) response.
SIP client error 482 The endpoint sent a SIP Client Error 482 (Loop Detected) response.
SIP client error 483 The endpoint sent a SIP Client Error 483 (Too Many Hops) response.
SIP client error 484 The endpoint sent a SIP Client Error 484 (Address Incomplete)
The server received a request with a To address or Request-URI that
was incomplete.
SIP client error 485 The endpoint sent a SIP Client Error 485 (Ambiguous) response.
The address provided in the request (Request-URI) was ambiguous.
SIP client error 488 The endpoint sent a SIP Client Error 488 (Not Acceptable Here)
SIP forbidden The SIP server rejected the request.
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it.
SIP global failure 603 A SIP Global Failure 603 (Decline) response was returned.
The participant's endpoint was successfully contacted, but the
participant explicitly does not wish to or cannot participate.
SIP global failure 604 A SIP Global Failure 604 (Does Not Exist Anywhere) response was
The server has authoritative information that the user indicated in the
Request-URI does not exist anywhere.
SIP global failure 606 A SIP Global Failure 606 (Not Acceptable) response was returned.
SIP gone The requested resource is no longer available at the Server and no
forwarding address is known.
SIP moved permanently The endpoint moved permanently. The user can no longer be found at
the address in the Request-URI.
SIP moved temporarily The remote endpoint moved temporarily.
SIP not found The endpoint was not found.
The server has definitive information that the user does not exist at the
domain specified in the Request-URI.
SIP redirection 300 A SIP Redirection 300 (Multiple Choices) response was returned.
Disconnection Cause Description