Call Detail Record (CDR) Utility
Polycom®, Inc. 460
The Part Index column displays the CDR file’s sequence in the CDR file set:
● CDRs that are up to 1MB consist of a single file. Each file has a unique Display Name and a Part
Index of 1.
● Files included in a Multi-Part CDR file sets have the same Display Name. The first file of the set is
numbered 1 with each additional CDR file numbered in an ascending numeric sequence.
Refreshing the CDR List
If the CDR file list is displayed for sometime and you want the latest CDR files to be displayed, you can
refresh the list.
To refresh the CDR list:
● Click the Refresh button, or right-click on any record and then select Refresh.
Updated conference CDR records are retrieved from the MCU memory.
Retrieving and Archiving Conference CDR Records
You can retrieve the CDR files and store them on your workstation for later use.
To retrieve and archive CDR records:
1 To retrieve a single CDR record, right-click the record to retrieve and then select the required format
or select the record to retrieve, and then click the appropriate button on the toolbar as detailed in the
following table.
To retrieve multiple CDR records simultaneously, use standard Windows multi-selection methods.
The Retrieve dialog box opens.
The dialog box displays the names of the destination CDR files.
2 Select the destination folder for the CDR files and then click OK.
If the destination file already exists, you will be asked if you want to overwrite the file or specify a new
name for the destination file.
The files are saved to the selected folder.
Menu Option Button Action
Retrieve Retrieves the conference information as unformatted data
into a file whose extension is .cdr.
Retrieve Formatted
Retrieves the conference information as formatted text
into a file whose extension is .xml.
Note: Viewed when logged in as a special support user.
Retrieve Formatted Retrieves the conference information as formatted text
into a file whose extension is .txt.
CDR files are not included in the backup process and should be backed up manually by saving the
CDR files to a destination device.