
IP Network Services
Polycom®, Inc. 403
8 Modify the following fields:
Default Management Network Service – DNS
9 Click the Gatekeeper tab.
10 Define the Primary and Alternate Gatekeepers and at least one Alias for this network Service. The
field definitions of the Gatekeeper tab are the same as for the Default IP Network Service. For more
information see the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s - Default IP Service – Conferencing –
Gatekeeper Parameters.
11 Optional. Click the Ports tab.
Settings in the Ports tab allow specific ports in the firewall to be allocated to multimedia conference
calls. If required, defined the ports to be used multimedia conference calls handled by this Network
Service. The field definitions of the Ports tab are the same as for the Default IP Network Service.
For more information see the RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s - Default IP Service –
Conferencing – Ports Parameters.
Field Description
Service Host Name Enter the host name of this network Service. Each Network Service must have a
unique Host Name otherwise an error message is displayed.
DNS Select:
•Off – if no DNS server is used in this network.
•Specify – to enter the IP address of the DNS server used by this network
The IP address field is enabled only if Specify is selected.
Only one DNS can be define for the entire topology (that is, only one Network
Service can include the DNS definition).
Register Host Names
Automatically to DNS
Select this option to automatically register this Network Service Signaling Host with
the DNS server.
Local Domain Name Enter the name of the domain for this network service.
DNS Server Address Enter the static IP address of the DNS server that is part of this network.
In Multiple Services mode, an Alias must be defined for the specified gatekeeper.