System Configuration Flags
Polycom®, Inc. 586
MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH The length of passwords.
Possible value: between 0 and 20.
0 means this rule is not enforced.
Defines the frequency with which a user can change a password.
Values: 0 -7.
0 (standard default) - users do not have to change their passwords.
Defines a minimum remaining Collaboration Server disk capacity in
megabytes. If the remaining disk capacity falls below this level an
active alarm is raised.
Default: 2048
This flag determines the minimum line rate at which conferencing
entities such as an Entry Queue or Meeting Room can be TIP-enabled
and TIP-enabled endpoints can connect to them.
CTS version 7 requires a minimum line rate of 1024 kbps and will
reject calls at lower line rates, therefore the System Flag value should
be 1024 kbps or higher.
0 means that no minimum line rate is enforced on the conference for
TIP connectivity.
Default: 1024
MS_ENVIRONMENT If YES, sets the Collaboration Server SIP environment to integrate with
Microsoft OCS solution.
Default: NO
MULTIPLE_SERVICES Applicable to the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 800s
Determines whether the Multiple Services option is be activated once
the appropriate license is installed.
Possible Values: YES / NO
Default: NO
This flag enables or disables the automatic generation of chairperson
passwords and determines the number of digits in the chairperson
passwords assigned by the MCU.
Possible values are:
•0 disables the automatic password generation.
Any value other than 0 enables the automatic generation of
chairperson passwords if the flag
•1 – 16, default: 6 (Standard Security Mode)
If the default is used, in non-secured mode the system will
automatically generate chairperson passwords that contain 6
Flag Description