Additional Conferencing Information
Polycom®, Inc. 175
● Enable or disable the Lecturer View Switching between participants displayed on the lecturer monitor
by selecting or clearing the Lecturer View Switching check box.
● Change the video layout for the lecturer by selecting another video layout.
Restricting Content Broadcast to Lecturer
Content broadcasting can be restricted to the conference lecturer only, when one of the conference
participants is set as the lecturer (and not automatically selected by the system). Restricting the Content
Broadcast prevents the accidental interruption or termination of H.239 Content that is being shared in a
Content Broadcast restriction is enabled by setting the
RESTRICT_CONTENT_BROADCAST_TO_LECTURER system flag to ON. When set to OFF (default) it
enables all users to send Content.
When enabled, the following rules apply:
● Content can only be sent by the designated lecturer. When any other participant tries to send Content,
the request is rejected.
● If the Collaboration Server user changes the designated lecturer (in the Conference Properties -
Video Settings dialog box), the Content of the current lecturer is stopped immediately and cannot
be renewed.
● The Collaboration Server User can abort the H.239 Session of the lecturer.
● Content Broadcasting is not implemented in conferences that do not include a designated lecturer
and the lecturer is automatically selected by the system (for example, in Presentation Mode).