Address Book
Polycom®, Inc. 209
The Navigation pane of the Address Book contains the following types of lists:
● Hierarchical — Displays a multi-level hierarchical tree of groups and participants. Double-clicking a
group on the navigation pane displays the group participants and sub-groups in the List pane.
● All Participants — Double-clicking this selection displays the single unique entity of all the
participants in a single level. When adding a participant to a group, the system adds a link to the
participant’s unique entity that is stored in the All Participants list. The same participant may be added
to many groups at different levels, and all these participant links are associated with the same
definition of the participant in the All Participants list. If the participant properties are changed in one
group, they will be changed in all the groups accordingly.
Displaying and Hiding the Group Members in the Navigation Pane
The currently selected group, whose group members are displayed in the Address Book List pane is
identified by a special icon .
To expand the group to view the group members:
» Double-click the group name or click the Expand button.
The address book entities and sub-groups of the group is displayed in the right group list pane. You
can drill down the sub-group to view address book entities in the sub-group.
To move up to the next level and view the members in the upper level:
» Double-click the navigation arrow button in the group members pane.
To collapse a group:
» Double-click the group name or click the Collapse button.
Participants List Pane Information
The Participants List pane displays the following information for each participant:
Participants List Pane
Field/Option Description
Type Indicates whether the participant is a video ( ) or voice ( ).
Name Displays the name of the participant.