Polycom®, Inc. 2
Who Should Read This Guide?
System administrators and network engineers should read this guide to learn how to properly set up
Polycom Collaboration Server systems. This guide describes administration-level tasks.
For detailed description of first time installation and configuration, description of the Collaboration Server
(RMX) Web Client, and basic operation of your Collaboration Server system, see the Polycom®
RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s / Virtual Edition Getting Started Guide.
This guide assumes the user has the following knowledge:
● Familiarity with Windows® XP or Windows 7 operating systems and interface.
● Familiarity with Microsoft® Internet Explorer® Version 7, 8 or 9.
● Basic knowledge of video conferencing concepts and terminology.
How This Guide is Organized
The following typographic conventions are used in this guide to distinguish types of in-text information.
Typographic Conventions
Convention Description
Bold Highlights interface items such as menus, soft keys, flag names, and directories. Also used
to represent menu selections and text entry to the phone.
Italics Used to emphasize text, to show example values or inputs, file names and to show titles of
reference documents available from the Polycom Support Web site and other reference
Underlined Blue Used for URL links to external Web pages or documents. If you click on text in this style,
you will be linked to an external document or Web page.
Blue Text Used for cross referenced page numbers in the same or other chapters or documents. If
you click on blue text, you will be taken to the referenced section.
Also used for cross references. If you click the italic cross reference text, you will be taken
to the referenced section.
<variable name> Indicates a variable for which you must enter information specific to your installation,
endpoint, or network. For example, when you see <IP address>, enter the IP address of
the described device.
> Indicates that you need to select an item from a menu. For example, Administration >
System Information indicates that you need to select System Information from the
Administration menu.