Setting Conferences for Telepresence Mode (AVC CP)
Polycom®, Inc. 143
● Changing the flag affects only future conferences. Conferences currently running are not affected.
● The Send Content To Legacy Endpoints feature is enabled by default when Telepresence mode is
● Layout attributes (no skins, no site names and no borders) should continue for Telepresence layouts
managed by the RMX.
Sending Content to Legacy Endpoints in Telepresence
The Collaboration Server can be configured to manage the layouts of to H.323/SIP/ISDN endpoints that do
not support H.239 Content (legacy endpoints) over the video (people) channel in Telepresence conferences
when Content is being sent. This feature is controlled using the FORCE_LEGACY_EP_CONTENT
_LAYOUT_ON_TELEPRESENCE flag. This flag must be added to change the value.
The values of the flag are:
● NO (Default) - The MCU does not manage the layouts while Content is sent. Personal layout
changes, for example, by MLA, override the default MCU layout. Legacy endpoints may not display
Content in Telepresence conferences due to layout changes.
● YES - The MCU manages the layouts while Content is sent. Personal layout changes, for example,
by MLA, are ignored. The layouts for legacy endpoints are managed by the MCU.
Guidelines for Sending Content to Legacy Endpoints in Telepresence
● MLA layout change requests for legacy endpoints will be ignored until Content is stopped. At that
point, MLA can be used again.
● Click&View can not be used to change the layout while Content is being sent.
● The Polycom Touch Control can not be used to change the layout while Content is being sent.
Content Display on Legacy Endpoints in Telepresence Conferences
When Content is sent to legacy endpoints in Telepresence conferences, their video layout automatically
changes to a “Content layout” which is defined by the system flag
LEGACY_EP_CONTENT_DEFAULT_LAYOUT. If MLA is managing the Telepresnce layout prior to Content
being sent, the MCU takes over managing the layout of Legacy endpoints once Content is started. The video
layouts of the other conference participants continue to be managed by MLA.
If MLA was managing the Telepresence layouts, when Content ends, control of the layouts for legacy
endpoints goes back to the MLA after a short time.