Defining AVC-Based Conference Profiles
Polycom®, Inc. 37
6 For CP Conferences only: Click the Gathering Settings tab.
7 Optional. Define the following fields if the conference is not launched by the Polycom Conferencing
Add-in for Microsoft Outlook:
MS AV MCU Cascade
This enables you to set Cascade Mode as either Resource Optimized or Video
• Resource Optimized
System resource usage is optimized by allowing high resolution connections
only at high line rates and may result in lower video resolutions for some line
rates. This option allows youto save MCU resources and increase the
number of participant connections.
• Video Quality Optimized
Video is optimized through higher resolution connections at lower line rates
increasing the resource usage at lower line rates. This may decrease the
number of participant connections.
For more information, see H.264 Base Profile and High Profile Comparison.
New AVC CP Profile - Advanced Parameters (Continued)
Field/Option Description