Appendix H - Integration Into Microsoft Environments
Polycom®, Inc. 744
7 Click Add Host.
Configure Collaboration Server Static Route and Trusted Application
Perform the following steps on the Lync Server to configure the Collaboration Server Static Route and
Trusted Application.
To Configure the Collaboration Server Static Route and Trusted Application:
1 Connect to Lync Front End server
2 In the Start Menu Search field, enter Lync and click the Search button.
3 Select the Lync Server Management Shell.
4 Add a Static Route:
a Type: $route = New-CsStaticRoute -TLSRoute -destination "<RMX FQDN>" -port 5061
-matchuri "<Collaboration Server>" -usedefaultcert $true and press Enter.
<Collaboration Server> is the Collaboration Server name.
b Type: Set-CsStaticRoutingConfiguration -identity global -route @{Add=$route} and press
(To check the Static Route configuration enter the following command:
Get-CsStaticRoutingConfiguration and press Enter.)
5 Create a Trusted Application Pool and a Trusted Application: