Scheduling Reservations
Polycom®, Inc. 243
5 Adjust the new reservation’s schedule by modifying the fields as described in the table below.
New Reservation – Schedule Tab
Field Description
Start Time Select the Start Time
of the Reservation.
• The Start/End Times of the Reservation are
initially taken from the time slot selected in the
Reservation Calendar.
• The Start/End Times can be adjusted by typing in
the hours and minutes fields or by clicking the
arrow buttons.
• The Start/End dates can be adjusted by typing in
the date field or by clicking the arrow buttons or
using the calendar.
• The start time of all the reservations can be
manually adjusted in one operation. For more
information see Adjusting the Start Times of all
• End Time settings are initially calculated as Start
Time + Duration. End Time settings are
recalculated if Start Time settings are changed.
• Changes to End Time settings do not affect Start
Time settings. However, the Duration of the
Reservation is recalculated.
End Time Select the End Time of
the Reservation.