Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment CS Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

88 Repair procedures Welch Allyn Propaq CS Vital Signs Monitor
side panel routing
4. On the new side panel, remove the protective paper from the gasket attached to the
side panel.
5. Set the side panel in place.
Make sure the side panel completely sets in place (it should be flush with the exterior
of the Rear Chassis). If not properly fitted, the clamp securing the side panel will not
6. Apply slight pressure to seal the side panel in the Rear Chassis.
7. Slide the clamp(s) in place with the detent facing the Chassis plastic so that it presses
against the Chassis.
If the clamp requires excessive pressure to slide in place, remove the clamp and
check the side panel to be sure it is completely seated.
8. Connect all plumbing and cables.
9. When installing the right side panel, install a new tie wrap to secure the bead to the
Rear Chassis (see below).
Uncovering the protective paper in the next step exposes the adhesive on the
gasket. Do not touch or otherwise contaminate the adhesive, or the adhesive
may not properly seal the side panel.
When installing the left side panel in the next step, slightly bend up wires at the
P1 and P2 pressure connector pins to allow proper fit.
Caution Do not force the clamp in the next step. Forcing it may damage the
side panel or Rear Chassis.