Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment CS Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

Service Manual Repair procedures 101
Removing the SSP/Stick Board assembly
1. Remove the two screws located on the right edge of the SSP Board (as viewed from
the front).
2. Tilt the loosened right edge of the SSP Board assembly (with interconnected Stick
Board) up, away from the mounting screw posts far enough to allow access to the
tubing connections under the board.
3. Disconnect the tubing from the water trap receiver and exhaust port using rounded,
non-serrated pliers only. Disconnect the water trap switch connector from J4.
4. Lift the SSP/Stick assembly up and out of the front chassis plastic, clearing all board
components from the retaining tabs on the insides of the front chassis plastic as the
assembly is removed.
Caution When servicing the SSP and Stick Board assemblies, be sure to note
the tubing routing prior to disconnection. Always reassemble tubing exactly as
Water Trap Receiver
Exhaust Port Hole
Pneumatic Reservoir
No connection
Stick Board
SSP Board
Pressure Transducer