Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment CS Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

Service Manual Repair procedures 103
Replacing Expansion Module side panels
The side panels easily slide out after the Chassis and rear panel are separated. If the
patient connector side panel is being replaced, this side panel and the two boards must
be removed together before disconnecting the side panel from the board. (See
“Replacing the SpO2 Boards” on page 98 or “Replacing the MSP/SpO2 Boards” on
page 99.)
If the speaker side panel is being replaced, separate the chassis and rear panel as
described earlier in this section, disconnect the speaker from the SCP or MSP Board, and
slide out the speaker side panel.
Acuity Option repair procedures
Repair of the Acuity Hardwired Option
The circuitry for the Acuity hardwired option is located on the Digital Board. The
supporting circuitry and the socket for the Symbol Radio PCMCIA Card/Antenna
Assembly for the Acuity wireless option is located on the Digital Board. See “Replacing
the Display” on page 75.
Replacing the radio card
To replace the radio card, perform the following steps:
1. Open the monitor to gain access to the Front Chassis. See “Opening the monitor” on
page 68.
2. Use a Phillips screwdriver to remove the five screws securing the Interface Chassis to
the Front Chassis.
3. Pull the top edge of the Interface Chassis away from the Front Chassis about two
inches to gain access to the radio card/antenna assembly.
4. Slide out the radio/antenna assembly from the Digital Board. Slide the replacement
radio/antenna assembly into the card socket on the Digital Board.
5. Reassemble the monitor.
To determine the radio card configured in your monitor, check the label on the
expansion module. If the label contains the following symbol , replace
the radio with a 5 GHz radio card.
Caution The 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz radio cards are not interchangeable.
Replacement of the radio card in the wrong configuration will cause permanent
damage to the radio card and/or monitor hardware.