Welch Allyn Medical Diagnostic Equipment CS Heart Rate Monitor User Manual

Service Manual Calibration 53
Invasive Blood Pressure
Skip this part of the calibration procedure if your monitor does not support IBP
1. Connect the IBP simulator to P1 on the monitor left side panel.
2. Set the patient simulator to 0 mmHg.
3. Press ZERO P1 to zero the channel.
4. Set the patient simulator to 200 mmHg.
5. Adjust RP5 for a numeric reading of 200 mmHg on the monitor screen.
6. Move the IBP cable to the P2 connector.
7. Set the simulator to 0 mmHg.
8. Press ZERO P2 to zero the channel.
9. Set the simulator to 200 mmHg.
10. Check that P2 displays 200 ±2 mmHg.
11. Disconnect all patient cables from the left side panel.
12. Reinstall the Analog Board shield and torque it according to the procedure in
“Replacing the Analog Board” on page 73.
Caution Many blood pressure simulators are not intended for use as calibration
standards. Use only recommended simulators for calibrating the monitor.
If your Propaq CS monitor does not include a second pressure channel, skip
Steps 6 - 10.