physical activityincreases, the device will automatically increase your activity class based on your
recorded heart rate information. Your activity class will not be automatically decreased if, for
example, you engage in less strenuous activity, but you should manually decrease your activity
classif you thinkthat it hasdecreased over time.See the table belowfor information ondetermining
your activity class.
Activity classActivity description
0Always avoid exertion, whenever possible.No regular participation in
1Walkfor pleasure, routinely use stairs, occasionally
exercise sufficiently to cause heavy breathing or
210 - 60 minutes perweekRegularparticipationinrecreationor
work requiring modest physical
activity,such as yardwork, nordic
3Over 1 hour per week
4Less than 30 minutes per weekRegular participation in heavy
physical exercise, such as running,
aerobic classes or high-intensity
530 - 60 minutes perweek
61 - 3 hours perweek
7Over 3 hours per week
7.55 - 7 hours perweekEndurance athlete (Regional level)
87 - 9 hours perweek
8.59 - 11 hours per weekEndurance athlete (National level)
911- 13 hoursper week