700 Tm Owner’s Manual
Workout Programs (continued)
Beginning the Program
Workout Summary appears as soon as the Cool Down mode ends or a “STOP” key is
pressed during Cool Down mode. The dot matrix will display the final program profile.
The data display will stop counting and show the final data one at a time.
During the Program
Data Display
• Once this summary is started, the message window will display the messages
of “WORKOUT FINSIHED” “ YOUR SUMMARY ARE” and then display your
summary with following messages:
o Total Program time: TOL TIME = XH XX MIN
o Average pace: AVG PACE = XXX M XX S
o Total distance: TOL DIS = XX.X MILE
o Total vertical distance” VERT DIS = XXXFT
o Total calories: TOL CAL = XXXX KCAL
o Average calorie rate: AVG CAL/MIN = XXX.X
o Average heart rate: AVG HR = XXX BPM
o Max heart rate: MAX HR = XXX BPM
o The Incline Display shows the average incline
o The Speed Display shows the average speed
• Each message will display for 3 seconds, then scroll to the next statistic. Press
”UP/DOWN” key to switch to the next summary display.
• Press “START” key to re-start this program.
• Press STOP key to end workout summary and enter idle mode.
• Press program selecting key to enter switching program sequence.
Ending the Program
• When 3 minutes duration is up, Workout Summary will end and console will
Pause, Reset, Restart, or Switch the program
See Console section for details.
Getting Started
A Quick Start program is for someone who wants to bypass the setup mode and start
their workouts right away. By picking Quick Start program, you are accepting the
default values for calculations. Be sure to include a Warm Up period during your work-
out since the Warm Up mode is skipped in the Quick Start program.
Beginning the Program
During idle mode, the message display scrolls” SELECT A PROGRAM OR PRESS START”
messages, to begin this program, simply press “START” key once. The message display
will display “QUICK START” and the belt starting sequence will begin.
Start Key
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