Chapter 2: Main Application 70
u rotate [Action][List][Create][rotate]
Function: Returns a list in which the elements have been rotated to the right or to the left by a specific
Syntax: rotate (List [,number of rotations] [ ) ]
• Specifying a negative value for “[,number of rotations]” rotates to the right, while a positive value rotates to
the left.
Example: To rotate the elements of the list {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} to the left by two
• Right rotation by one (–1) is the default when you omit “[,number of rotations]”.
u sortA [Action][List][Create][sortA]
Function: Sorts the elements of the list into ascending order.
Syntax: sortA (List [ ) ]
Example: To sort the elements of the list {1, 5, 3} into ascending order
u sortD [Action][List][Create][sortD]
Function: Sorts the elements of the list into descending order.
Syntax: sortD (List [ ) ]
Example: To sort the elements of the list {1, 5, 3} into descending order
u listToMat [Action][List][Create][listToMat]
Function: Transforms lists into a matrix.
Syntax: listToMat (List-1 [, List-2, ..., List-N] [ ) ]
Example: To transform the lists {3, 5} and {2, 4} into a matrix
u matToList [Action][List][Create][matToList]
• For information about matToList, see page 74.
Using the List-Statistics and List-Calculation Submenus
The [List][Statistics] and [List][Calculation] submenus contain commands related to list calculations.
u min [Action][List][Statistics][min]
Function: Returns the minimum value of an expression or the elements in a list.
Syntax: min (Exp/List-1[, Exp/List-2] [ ) ]
Example: To determine the minimum values of the elements in list {1, 2, 3}
u max [Action][List][Statistics][max]
Function: Returns the maximum value of an expression or the elements of a list.
Syntax: max (Exp/List-1[, Exp/List-2] [
Example: To determine the maximum value of the elements in list {1, 2, 3}
u mean [Action][List][Statistics][mean]
Function: Returns the mean of the elements in a list.
Syntax: mean (List-1[, List-2] [ ) ] (List-1: Data, List-2: Freq)
Example: To determine the mean of the elements in list {1, 2, 3}