Chapter 2: Main Application 48
Other Functions (%, ', x
, x
, x!, abs, Є, signum, int, frac, intg, fRound, sRound)
Problem Operation
What is 12% of 1500? (180)
1500 * 12 &w
What percent of 880 is 660? (75%)
660 / 880 &w
What value is 15% greater than 2500? (2875)
2500 *( 1 + 15 &
What value is 25% less than 3500? (2625)
3500 *( 1 - 25 &
'2 + '5 = 3.65028154
5 2 e+5 5 w
(3 + i ) = 1.755317302 + 0.2848487846 i Change to the Complex mode (“Cplx” indicated on
the status bar).
5 3 +0w
= (–3) × (–3) = 9
(- 3 )xw
= –(3 × 3) = –9
- 3 xw
= 12
( 3 X- 4 X)Xw
N 1 cN 1 c 3 e-N 1 c 4 w
8! (= 1 × 2 × 3 × … × 8) = 40320
8 !w
What is the absolute value of the common
logarithm of
⎜log (
)⎟ = 0.1249387366
4V 10 eN 3 c 4 w
or L4V 3 / 4 w
8Є40° × 5Є35°
Є(8,40) × Є(5,35) = Є(40,75)
Change to the Degree mode (“Deg” indicated on the
status bar).
~ 8 , 40 )*~ 5 , 35 )w
What is the sign of –3.4567? (–1)
(signum returns –1 for a negative value, 1 for a
positive value, “Undefined” for 0, and
for an
imaginary number.)
[signum] - 3.4567 w
What is the integer part of –3.4567? (–3)
:- 3.4567 w
What is the decimal part of –3.4567? (–0.4567)
[frac] - 3.4567 w
What is the greatest integer less than or equal to
–3.4567? (–4)
[intg] - 3.4567 w
What is –3.4567 rounded to two decimal places?
[fRound] - 3.4567 , 2 w
What is –34567 rounded to four significant digits?
[sRound] - 34567 , 4 w*
* To round to 10 digits, specify “0” for the second argument.
Random Number Generator (rand, randList, randNorm, randBin, RandSeed)
The ClassPad random number generator can generate truly random numbers (non-sequential random
numbers) and random numbers that follow a particular pattern (sequential random numbers).
u To switch between non-sequential and sequential random number generation
1. Use the “RandSeed” command to configure random number generation settings. See “RandSeed
Command” on page 50.
2. Use the “rand”, “randList”, “randNorm”, or “randBin” function to generate the random numbers.