Chapter 13: Spreadsheet Application 225
u To fill a range of cells with the same value (Fill Range)
1. Select the range of cells where you want to input the same value.
• Actually, you could skip this step and start with step 2, below.
2. On the [Edit] menu, tap [Fill] and then [Fill Range].
3. On the dialog box that appears, input the value or expression into the “Formula” box. You can also use the
dialog box’s “Range” box to specify the range of cells.
4. Tap [OK].
• The specified range of cells will automatically change to calculation data type cells, containing the value
you input in step 3.
u To fill a column of cells with a numeric sequence (Fill Sequence)
1. Tap the cell from which you want input of the numeric sequence to start.
• Actually, you could skip this step and start with step 2, below.
2. On the [Edit] menu, tap [Fill] and then [Fill Sequence].
3. Use the dialog box that appears to configure the Fill Sequence operation as described below.
Parameter Description
Expr. Input the expression whose results you want to input.
Var. Specify the name of the variable whose value will change with each step.
Low/High Specify the smallest/greatest value to be assigned to the variable.
Step Specify the value that should be added to the variable value with each step.
Start Specify the starting cell from which the results of the expression should be inserted.
4. After everything is the way you want, tap [OK].
• This performs all the required calculations according to your settings, and inserts the results into the