Chapter 10: eActivity Application 176
Application data strip list
To insert this type of application data: Select this [Insert] menu item:
Or tap this
Graph window data (Graph & Table) Strip(1) - Graph
Graph Editor window data (Graph & Table) Strip(1) - Graph Editor
Geometry window data Strip(1) - Geometry
Spreadsheet window data Strip(1) - Spreadsheet
Stat Graph window data Strip(1) - Stat Graph
Stat Editor window data Strip(1) - Stat Editor
Notes window*
Strip(1) - Notes
Main work area window data Strip(1) - Main
Conics Graph window data Strip(2) - Conics Graph
Conics Editor window data Strip(2) - Conics Editor
Differential Equation Graph window data Strip(2) - DiffEqGraph
Differential Equation Graph Editor window data Strip(2) - DiffEqGraph Editor
Financial window data Strip(2) - Financial
Probability window*
data Strip(2) - Probability
Numeric Solver window data Strip(2) - NumSolve
Sequence Editor window data Strip(2) - Sequence Editor
Verify window*
data Strip(2) - Verify
*1 The Notes window can be used with the eActivity application only.
*2 The Probability window and Verify window can be used with the eActivity application and Main application.
For more information see “2-10 Using Verify” and “2-11 Using Probability”.
u To add help text to a strip
1. Tap the title box of the strip to which you want to add help text.
2. Tap [Insert] - [Add Strip Help].
• A help window appears in the upper half of the display, while the window that was called from the strip
appears in the lower half of the display.
3. Input the help text into the help window.
4. After inputting all the text you want, tap C to close the help window.
• The strip will now have a ? button. Tapping ? will display the help window along with the application
Tip: To delete help text from a strip, tap the title box of the strip whose help text you want to delete, and then tap [Insert] -
[Remove Strip Help].