Chapter 12: Program Application 210Chapter 12: Program Application 210
PowerReg (PowerR)
Misc - Statistics(1) - Regression
Syntax: PowerRegⅪ
xList, yList[,[FreqList (or 1)]
yn>] [,{On ; Off}]]]
Function: Performs
y = a·x
Description: See SinReg.
Print I/O - Output
Syntax 1: PrintⅪ<expression>[,<color command>]
Syntax 2: PrintⅪ"<string>"
Function: Displays the result of the specified
expression or the specified text string.
Description: An expression result is displayed as
a single line. When the result is a long expression,
fraction, or string, it may not fit on the display. In such
a case, use the PrintNatural command instead.
PrintNatural I/O - Output
Syntax: PrintNaturalⅪ<expression>[,"<string>"]
Function: Pauses program execution and displays the
result of the specified expression in natural format.
• A text string enclosed within quotation marks (" ") or
a variable name can be specified for "<string>".
• Tapping [OK] closes the dialog box and resumes
program execution. Tapping [Cancel] terminates
program execution.
PTBrokenThck Misc - Graph&Table(1) - Plot Type
Syntax: PTBrokenThckⅪ<graph number>
Function: Specifies “Broken Thick” as the graph line
Description: Graph number range: 1 to 100
PTDot Misc - Graph&Table(1) - Plot Type
Syntax: PTDotⅪ<graph number>
Function: Specifies “Dot Plot” as the graph line type.
Description: Graph number range: 1 to 100
PTNormal Misc - Graph&Table(1) - Plot Type
Syntax: PTNormalⅪ<graph number>
Function: Specifies “Normal” as the graph line type.
Description: Graph number range: 1 to 100
PTThick Misc - Graph&Table(1) - Plot Type
Syntax: PTThickⅪ<graph number>
Function: Specifies “Thick” as the graph line type.
Description: Graph number range: 1 to 100
PTThin Misc - Graph&Table(1) - Plot Type
Syntax: PTThinⅪ<graph number>
Function: Specifies “Thin” as the graph line type.
Description: Graph number range: 1 to 100
PxlChg I/O - Sketch - Pixel
Syntax: PxlChgⅪ<
x-dot>, <y-dot>[,<color command>]
Function: Toggles display of the specified pixel on or
PxlOff I/O - Sketch - Pixel
Syntax: PxlOffⅪ<
x-dot>, <y-dot>
Function: Turns off display of the specified pixel.
PxlOn I/O - Sketch - Pixel
Syntax: PxlOnⅪ<
x-dot>, <y-dot>[,<color command>]
Function: Turns on display of the specified pixel.
pxlTest( I/O - Sketch - Pixel
Syntax: pxlTest (<
x-dot>, <y-dot>)
Function: If a dot is present at the specified pixel,
returns a value that corresponds to the color of the
dot (Black: 1, Blue: 2, Red: 3, Magenta: 4, Green: 5,
Cyan: 6, Yellow: 7). Returns 0 if no dot is present at
the specified pixel.
QuadReg (QuadR)
Misc - Statistics(1) - Regression
Syntax: QuadRegⅪ
xList, yList[,[FreqList (or 1)]
[,[<yn>] [,{On ; Off}]]]
Function: Performs
y = a·x
+ b·x + c regression.
Description: See SinReg.
QuartReg (QuartR)
Misc - Statistics(1) - Regression
Syntax: QuartRegⅪ
xList, yList[,[FreqList (or 1)]
[,[<yn>] [,{On ; Off}]]]
Function: Performs
y = a·x
+ b·x
+ c·x
+ d·x + e
Description: See SinReg.
RclGMem Misc - Graph&Table(2)
Syntax: RclGMemⅪ{<variable name> ; <folder name\
file name>}
Function: Recalls GMem data (graph expression and
related information), which was previously saved
under the specified name.
Description: A folder path can be specified only up to
one level.
RclPict Misc - Graph&Table(2)
Syntax: RclPictⅪ<picture name>
Function: Recalls a Pict image, which was previously
saved under the specified name.