Chapter 12: Program Application 203Chapter 12: Program Application 203
DrawSeqEtrCon, DrawSeqEtrPlt I/O - Draw
Syntax: DrawSeqEtrCon
Function: Graphs a recursion expression whose
vertical axis is Σ
or Σc
) and whose horizontal
axis is n using a generated number table, in
accordance with the conditions of each command.
Description: DrawSeqEtrCon draws a connect type
graph, while DrawSeqEtrPlt draws a plot type graph.
DrawShade I/O - Draw
Syntax: DrawShadeⅪ<expression 1>, <expression
2>[, <number 1>, <number 2>][,<color command>]
Function: Shades the area between expression 1
(lower curve) and expression 2 (upper curve) from
x-values of number 1 to number 2.
Description: Expression 1 and expression 2 have
y= type expression on the right side. Graphing of
any other type of expression is not supported by this
DrawStat I/O - Draw
Syntax: DrawStat
Function: Draws a statistical graph.
Else Ctrl - If
See If~Then~ElseIf~Else~IfEnd.
ElseIf Ctrl - If
See If~Then~ElseIf~Else~IfEnd.
ExpReg (ExpR)
Misc - Statistics(1) - Regression
Syntax: ExpRegⅪ
xList, yList[,[FreqList (or 1)][, [<yn>]
[,{On ; Off}]]]
Function: Performs
y = a·e
Description: See SinReg.
ExpToStr Misc - String(1)
Syntax: ExpToStrⅪ<expression>,<storage variable
Function: Converts the result of an input expression
to a string and assigns the string to the specified
Syntax: FCDⅪLower value, Upper value,
n:df value,
d:df value
Function: See “
F Cumulative Distribution” (page 146).
Syntax: FPDⅪ
x value, n:df value, d:df value
Function: See “
F Probability Density” (page 146).
For~To~(Step~)Next Ctrl - For
ForⅪ<expression 1>⇒<control variable name>Ⅺ
ToⅪ<expression 2> [StepⅪ<expression 3>]
[<statement>] … : Next
• <expression 1> is the initial value, <expression 2> is
the end value, and <expression 3> is the step.
Function: Anything between the For command and
the Next command is repeated for a count starting
with the initial value of the control variable and ending
when the control variable reaches the end value.
Each pass causes the value of the control variable to
be changed by the value specified by the step value.
The loop is terminated whenever the control variable
value exceeds the end value.
• 1 is used for the step if a step value is not specified.
• The initial value can be less than the end value, as
long as a positive value is specified for the step. In
this case, the value of the control value is increased
by the step with each pass.
• The initial value can be greater than the end value,
as long as a negative value is specified for the
step. In this case, the value of the control value is
decreased by the step with each pass.
• You can use a multi-statement command (:) in place
of the carriage return to separate statements.
• Do not use the Goto command to exit a For~Next
GeoCD k
Syntax: GeoCDⅪLower value, Upper value,
pos value
Function: See “Geometric Cumulative Distribution”
(page 147).
GeoPD k
Syntax: GeoPDⅪ
x value, pos value
Function: See “Geometric Distribution Probability”
(page 147).
GetFolder Misc - Variable - Folder
Syntax: GetFolderⅪ<storage variable name>
Function: Gets the current folder name and assigns it
to a variable as a text string.