Chapter 12: Program Application 212Chapter 12: Program Application 212
SetAxes Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetAxesⅪ{On ; Off ; Number}
Function: Specifies the axis display mode as show
Graph window axes only (On), hide axes and scale
(Off), or show axes and scale (Number).
SetCellWidth Misc - Setup(4)
Syntax: SetCellWidthⅪ{2 ; 3 ; 4}
Function: Specifies the number of rows displayed on
the Stat Editor and data table windows.
SetComplex Misc - Setup(1)
Syntax: SetComplex
Function: Specifies the Complex mode (to perform
complex number calculations).
SetCoord Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetCoordⅪ{On ; Off}
Function: Turns display of Graph window pointer
coordinates on or off.
SetDecimal Misc - Setup(1)
Syntax: SetDecimal
Function: Specifies the Decimal mode (displays
results in decimal format).
SetDegree Misc - Setup(1)
Syntax: SetDegree
Function: Specifies “Degree” for the angle unit.
SetDeriv Misc - Setup(3)
Syntax: SetDerivⅪ{On ; Off}
Function: Turns display of Graph window pointer
coordinates and ordered pair table derivative on or
SetDispGCon Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetDispGConⅪ{On ; Off}
Function: Turns display of graph controller arrows
during graphing on or off.
SetDrawCon Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetDrawCon
Function: Specifies graphing by connecting plotting
points with lines.
SetDrawPlt Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetDrawPlt
Function: Specifies graphing by plotting points only.
SetFix Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetFixⅪ<integer from 0 to 9>
Function: Specifies the fixed number of decimal
SetFolder Misc - Variable - Folder
Syntax: SetFolderⅪ<folder name> [,<storage variable
• Makes the specified folder the current folder.
Including a variable name at the end of this
command assigns the name of the previous current
folder to the variable as a text string.
• If the specified folder does not exist, this command
creates a new folder with the specified name, and
makes it the current folder.
SetFunc Misc - Setup(3)
Syntax: SetFuncⅪ{On ; Off}
Function: Turns display of graph function name and
function on or off.
SetGraphColor Misc - Setup(4)
Syntax: SetGraphColorⅪ<graph number>, <color
Function: Specifies the graph color.
Description: The graph number range is 1 to 100.
SetGrad Misc - Setup(1)
Syntax: SetGrad
Function: Specifies “Grad” for the angle unit.
SetGrid Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetGridⅪ{On ; Off ; LineType}
Function: Specifies the Graph window grid type
display mode as show as dots (On), hide grid (Off),
and show as grid lines (LineType).
SetInequalityPlot Misc - Setup(4)
Syntax: SetInequalityPlotⅪ{Intersection ; Union}
Function: When graphing multiple inequalities, fills
areas where all inequality conditions are satisfied
(Intersection) or fills areas where each inequality
condition is satisfied (Union).
SetLabel Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetLabelⅪ{On ; Off}
Function: Turns display of Graph window axis labels
on or off.
SetLeadCursor Misc - Setup(3)
Syntax: SetLeadCursorⅪ{On ; Off}
Function: Turns display of the leading cursor during
graphing on or off.
SetNormal Misc - Setup(2)
Syntax: SetNormalⅪ{1 ; 2}
Function: Specifies Normal 1 or Normal 2 as the auto
exponential display setting for values.
SetRadian Misc - Setup(1)
Syntax: SetRadian
Function: Specifies “Radian” for the angle unit.